Business Excellence


If your organisation is looking for a framework that encompasses all aspects of your business then the EFQM Business Excellence Model is a proven model for managing and maintaining sustainable excellence within your organisation.

The Fundamental Concepts of Excellence are:

Achieving Balanced Results - Excellent organisations plan and achieve a balanced set of results that meet the short and long term needs of their stakeholders and, where relevant, exceed them.

Adding Value for Customers - Excellent organisations strive to innovate and create value for their customers by understanding and anticipating their needs and expectations.

Leading with Vision, Inspiration and Integrity - Excellent organisations have leaders who shape the future and make it happen, acting as role models for its values and ethics.

Managing by Processes - Excellent organisations are managed through structured and strategically aligned processes.

Succeeding through People - Excellent organisations value their people and create a culture of empowerment for the balanced achievement of organisational and personal goals.

Nurturing Creativity and Innovation - Excellent organisations generate increased value and levels of performance through systematic innovation.

Building Partnerships - Excellent organisations seek, develop and maintain trusting relationships with various partners to ensure mutual success.

Taking Responsibility for a Sustainable Future - Excellent organisations strive for economic, social and ecological sustainability.


The benefits of applying the EFQM Business Excellence Model effectively and aligned with the strategic direction of the company are considerable. For further information please contact us